Episode 4 starts with Darius driving. We are unsure of where he is going but we will find out later. The scene of Darius in the car slow fades to the road which then fades into the room where Lin/the alien thing is. In this room we see doctors dissecting Lin/alien thing. The doctors say that it is in fact Lin but her cells are different. Her cells either show her being 25 years old or over 100 years old. The doctor goes on to say that aside from the DNA Lin/alien thing was not human. We then see that Christa is in the car with Darius and she is still translating Linus's code. We then see Darius question a bus full of people. After Darius gets back into the car with Christa, they drive off and Darius and Christa begin talking about the translations. Christa says that there is a lot of talk about the great beyond and what comes after death. The words outside world is mentioned the most. Christa then complains about having to translate all of the passages. Darius gets a little angry but talks Christa into continuing the translations. Darius notices that Christa is holding a drawing and asks what it is and Christa gives an answer as a joke but that angers Darius a bit. Darius then shows Christa a picture of Lin. Christa is confused at first but then Darius tells her its Lin. Darius then reveals that they are on the same road that Lin took before she ended up like she did. Christa asks what happened to Lin and Darius says that is what they are trying to find out. Darius continues to question people at bus stops and bus drivers and those on buses that are leading to where they are going. We then hear and watch as Christa continues to translate the photos.
Christa is then seen in the restroom talking to Nahel. Then we see Christa and Darius in a store and someone who was eavesdropping on a conversation that Darius was having with the store clerk. She tells them about a place where there has been a lot of activity. This leads them to a farm where legal fights are held at a gentleman's club on the farm. Christa and Darius find a hotel to stay in for the night. Darius is seen on the phone talking to someone from the precinct. Christa and Darius go to have dinner and while at dinner there are some drunk guys who bother Christa and Darius. Christa leaves the restaurant and goes to her room and Darius orders himself a drink. After having some drinks the drunks order Darius a drink, Darius throws the drink at the center of the guys table and tells them to meet him outside. Once they are all outside Darius takes on the 3 drunks, in a fist fight and loses because he is outnumbered. Darius is then seen making his way to his room by Christa. Christa helps him get into bed and then leaves. We then see Darius getting regenerated in the past and we see that he survived the regeneration but his son did not. Darius is then seen waking up after regenerating in the future and he is healed of all his aliments from the night before.
After Darius and Christa hit the road again, Darius is seen interviewing one final batch of bus riders when the bus leaves Christa recognizes the sign behind the bus to be one of Linus's drawings. Christa and Darius then go to check the place out and it looks like an abandoned restaurant. Christa then spots a man out in the middle of the field. Darius goes to interview him and the man tells Darius that there were a couple of men at the abandoned restaurant and that a white van picked them up and took them to an old sanitarium. Darius and Christa go to investigate this place and find nothing but a bunch of bags, mattresses and blood spots all over. After this discovery Christa is taken back to the city where they live by Lesky. Darius arrives home and then gets a phone call Lesky that he needs help. Lesky let Christa go somewhere by herself and she hasn't returned like they agreed. Darius then finds that Christa took an emergency gun from him and that is where the episode ends.
The main law in this show is that you cannot regenerate until you are 30 years of age. The reason that this law exists is because if you regenerate before then the doctors can't control what happens. This can be especially dangerous. The result could be death or a mutation in the cells. We see the example of both death and the cell mutation in this episode because when we see Lin she is the example of the mutation and then Darius's son is the example of death. This is a very valid law because this society doesn't want people to die anymore or have problems like cell mutations. Regeneration makes it so those things aren't around anymore as long as you regenerate at the right age.

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